PLAY READING 6 January 2025
Peter and myself are Co Directing the Spring Production (first time for me!🫣) we are holding a play reading Monday 6th January 2025 at the Veryan Sports and Social Club at 7.30pm. The Play is “Ghost Train” by Arnold Ridley and would like to invite everyone to come along, if you are unable to make the 6th but are interested in reading for a part just let us know.
We will also be looking for a Producer, Backstage Manager and Backstage Runners as there are going to be several special effects that will be used throughout the play and will need all hands on board.
So if you have ever fancy treading the boards or are interested in how it all works behind the scenes please let us know or just turn up on Monday 6th January at 7.30pm, everyone is welcome.
Michelle and Peter
Autumn Production “Haywire” by Eric Chappell
The curtain falls on another Veryan Players production. Thank you to all of the cast and crew for making it such a fun and successful production. Photos of the production are now available on our gallery page.
Thank you to you, our audience for coming to see us in such great numbers and helping us plan for the future.
We look forward to seeing you for a “spooky ” encounter in the Spring.
If you are interested in any aspect of theatre and want to give it a go, please contact us. We are a friendly bunch, who welcome new members either on stage or in any other capacity!
Our techie team are always happy to pass on their experience to people interested in the Lighting & Sound of performances.
About Us
Veryan Players were originally formed in 1957. After a period of inactivity, the Players came back to life in 1991 and have been active ever since.
Two to three productions are staged a year, ranging from high brow to farce, mystery to comedy (although not pantomime which we leave to our friends in Tregony, St Mawes and Probus). This allows a rehearsal period of about 12 weeks for each production. Rehearsals are twice a week, mostly Mondays and Thursdays, but not every cast member is always called to every rehearsal. Other roles such as backstage, publicity and front of house involve being available nearer to the time of performance and immediately afterwards.
Performances are usually 3 nights, a Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
People have different reasons for belonging to an amateur dramatic society- obviously we need people to act on the stage (we could do with some more acting members between the ages of say, 18 – 45!) but we also need people to do other things, such as reading through plays and letting us know of any they would like to see us perform. We need more people to help put up the stage in Veryan Parish Hall before each production (and to dismantle it afterwards), to help front of house or backstage during productions, set building, or to simply help with the refreshments during the play intervals. Many hands make light work- although work is hardly the word to use when one is having such a good time. Amateur dramatics is great fun so why not give it a go?
Current Committee
Graham Webb – Chairman
Doug Robins- Treasurer
Michelle Couch- Secretary
Bob Field- Parish Hall representative
Richard Clarke- Technical
The director of the current production is an ex-officio member of the committee.
Veryan Players
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